One thing that I think really needs to be stressed is the importance of proper workouts prior to starting a vertical program. A perfect example of this is a weak 14 year old who decides he wants to dunk but is no where near ready. So he decides to buy the Vertical Project Program before any prior weight training and is quickly injured. The fact of the matter is, increasing vertical leaping ability is very advanced when it comes to workout techniques. The Vertical Project is about as advanced as they come. I also feel that the creator of The Vertical Project does not stress the need for proper workout prior to the Vertical Project. This is not to say that the Vertical Project does not create insanely advanced results, because I have worked with a 19 yr old who gained 8 inches, but I do feel that no one should start a program before they have maximized their workout potential.
To increase that vertical leap of yours you need to implement "explosion training." There are a couple moves and some products that will aid this effort exponentially.
For starters, probably the most important leg exercise is the squat. But you have to be careful with squats. This is a very easy way to injure yourself if not done properly. When doing squats you want to stand with your legs shoulder width apart and keep your back straight. Do not put too much weight on the bar and remember to bend at the legs. If you do not know how to do squats properly then you need to find out because it is essential. Go to for extended instructions on how to do a proper squat.
Another thing that will greatly help your vertical leap is jumping rope. You should try to build up your jumping stamina by doing this every day. Try to go for as long as you can until you become experienced enough to go for 5 minutes straight. You can also try working with a weighted jump rope. This will help your overall strength.
You should obviously do calf raises every time you work out your legs. If you do not have access to machines in a gym, you can always go ghetto and hold dumbbells while doing calf raises. When doing calf raises, you want to feel a serious burn. You also want to make sure you go all the way down and all the way up. For extended range of motion and improved results, do this exercise on a ledge so you can utilize extended range of motion.
Also, you always want to get crunches in. I would recommend 3 sets of 30 crunches each time you work out.
But what I really want to get into is a description of a product that I have found to be essential for anyone truly on the cusp of dunking. The Strength Shoes are truly a great way to add that needed boost to your vertical. I briefly touched on some great exercises you can add to your current routine but the Strength Shoes are truly a great way to add explosion without a rigorous routine. When wearing the Strength Shoes, it feels as if you aren't even working out. If you are pretty close to being able to dunk, the Strength Shoes are unparalleled in their added performance to your vertical jump. And the Strength shoes will get you there with the least amount of effort. The Strength Shoes system is what I used to boost my vertical however, this is not the only quality one out there.
All of these exercises can be done on top of your regular exercise routine. However, you do not want to overwork your muscles. I would recommend strength training 3 times a week and doing some cardio every day.
hey, drjay! i'm 14 years old, i'm playing serious basketball with 5 trainings a week, for 2 years! i'm 190 cm-s tall, i play SF and i can dunk simple dunks like 1-1 and 1-2! i really wish more, and i'm ready to improve my skillz, i wanna be the best player, you know... if you could give me some advices, suggests, it would be much appreciated. i can't use some of the exercises, because i mustn't work with weights, cuz i'm too young for that.
Matya, that definitely sounds great that you are getting all of the workouts in! I truly hope you are able to gain some great skills through your workouts.
It is also awesome that you are advanced enough to realize that weight systems are not for you...just yet. The best advice I have for you is to stick to a cardio-heavy workout. It is also good for you to do some small weight bearing excercises, such as push-ups, where you are only lifting your own weight. These types of workouts are ok for someone your age because they do not strain the muscles like lifting heavy weights.
But lemme get this straight... you're 14 and dunking???? You should stick to whatever workout you're doing because that is very good. You will definitely see improvements as you grow naturally. Just eat healthy and stay in shape.
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