Monday, May 7, 2007

You Have the Tools, Now Put it Together

Ok, so your vertical is up to par. You've got the big calves and the girls are going crazy. Now onto the next problem. Most basketball players have great coordination...But I see some uncoordinated ass dudes out on the courts who are fast and can jump higher than all the other players. They just seem to be incapable of doing the simple lead up to the dunk.

What I would recommend for everyone who can't get their step down is to start measuring what distance you prefer to start from and then measure your strides. Do this until you are comfortable with your intro to the hoop. I would also recommend coming from an angle, taking three large entry steps and then throwing down. Remember it is easiest for most to jump off one foot. To become comfortable, I would recommend working on your step without a basketball in hand until it becomes second nature.

Once you feel like you have your step down, start dunking with a tennis ball. Once you can consistently dunk a tennis ball, I would use a volleyball for a while. After you can consistently dunk a volleyball then you should be comfortable enough to use a basketball. By consistently, I mean you should be able to dunk with ease at least 20 times before moving up to the next level. The reason it is important to work your way up gradually is because it is very easy to injure yourself trying to dunk when you are just not all there fundamentally.

So there you have it. A complete how-to-guide taking you from a non-dunking bitch to a baller.

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