Friday, July 27, 2007

Increase Your Vertical

I wrote this mainly because I've talked to a lot of ball players who have no clue how to train their legs. Many don't even do calf raises. Everyone is always looking for a quick and easy way to increase vertical leaping ability. And there are some very quality programs out there to train with (Vertical Project, Micheal Jordan's Program, some Platform Systems etc). There are some weight bearing and also some non-weight bearing programs that get it done. But there are also some programs that just cause injuries. The problem is that most people are not prepared for one of these advanced systems and also most do not pick the correct program. For example, no player under the age of 17 should use any weight bearing programs. This is just asking for an injury.

I obviously have not tried every program out there, but I have seen great results from some. For many of us, an outrageous vertical is not something we were blessed with. Others of us can naturally dunk, without putting any work in. But to increase the vertical that God gave us is where the real work comes in.

The truth of the matter is, any workout routine that claims to increase your vertical without any work put in is a lie. However, there are programs that can increase your vertical leap with substantially less effort on your part. These tips I'm giving you are all tried and true methods of increasing your vertical.

I have worked with many different programs and I can shed some knowledge on programs that seem to work very well for many players. The Vertical Project is one that has worked very well for many players. Also, the Micheal Jordan instructional jumping programs are very helpful. There are other programs however, that can easily cause injuries and the results are not very good. Mostly all of these programs, even the quality ones, promise results that only the top 1% will see. For some, adding inches to a vertical leap is no easy task. You can think of this as a how-to-guide, with recommendations to quality programs to implement.


The Scrapper said...

I'm on week six of "Air Alert" right now. What do you thinl about it?

DrJay said...

I personally haven't messed with Air Alert myself but I know some very good players who use it. In my opinion, it is a good system for young players but there is nothing that seems to be very special about it. It works a lot with muscle memory which I think will really give young players a leg up on other ballers. And this is also a good entry program for others. So, all in all I think it is not a bad investment but nothing too special. If I were you I would definitely stick with it. Let me know how everything goes.

Anonymous said...

Read This... Only If You Absolutely Need To Know The
Cold, Hard Facts On Increasing Vertical Jump And Sprint Speed (The
Way Pro's And Olympians Do)... Virtually Overnight.. And How To
Gain So Fast, You'll Be Falsely Accused of Using Steroids!
